Paper submission


Conference Proceedings

The Organizing Committee of SUPEHR23 sincerely thanks all those who attended the conference, as authors, presenters or speakers. You can download the conference proceedings here!


Submission instructions

To submit an abstract, all authors must be registered on the Easychair website.

The Author will automatically receive an email with the login information in maximum 24 hours. After the registration, the author should login into the website and proceed with the abstract submission. Please, refer to the PUBLICATION SCHEDULE for any details on submission deadline and reviewing process. The short abstract must be a max 300 words concise summary of the research that will be presented at the conference. It should be organized so as to give a complete, yet concise, understanding of the research basic contents and findings.

Click here to SUBMIT

If you have any problems submitting an abstract, click here or contact the Organising Committee.

All papers will be peer reviewed before being accepted for SUPEHR23. The authors can choose between:

  • An oral presentation (only abstract and presentation are required)
  • A technical paper (max 6 pages)

Only technical papers will be published in the open-access conference proceedings. In addition, the best selected papers will also be further recommended for publication in a more detailed version (8-9 pages) in a special issue of prestigious International journals.


Call for technical papers

In preparing your draft, please note the following instructions on how to prepare your aticle and on ethical rules:

  • Your draft must be up to 6 pages 
  • Publication right form signed by at least one of the authors is required to be uploaded before the final paper is submitted
  • Your draft must be prepared in accordance with the template:


Please note that your articles will be checked in a plagiarism tool and that any ethical misconduct will be considered very seriously.

Copyright conditions

All publication material submitted for presentation at the SUPEHR23 conference must be original and hence cannot be already published, nor can it be under review elsewhere. The Authors take responsibility for the material that has been submitted.


Important dates

Abstract: 31st December 2022 

Abstract acceptance: 20th January 2023

Papers Draft: 14th April 2023

Peer review: 15th May 2023

Final paper: 16th June 2023

Final paper acceptance: 3rd July 2023